Collingwood Paddling Club

Youth Racing Program

The 2025 Youth Racing Program is intended for young participants aged 9 – 18 years old who are excited at the potential of excelling at a new sport or simply keen on continued development in Canoe/Kayak throughout 2025 and beyond.

Participants are required to bring their own personal floatation device (PFD), refillable water bottle, change of clothes, running shoes, towel and sunscreen.

This is an exceptional program that will build lifelong skills while enhancing the development of every athlete.

Program Fees:

Development U10/U12/U14 - $550, includes Annual Basic Membership Fee

High Performance U14/U18 - $650, includes Annual Basic Membership Fee

Regatta Entry fees extra - see coaches + Parents Handbook for additional information

NEW for 2025!

This year we are also encouraging ALL of our athletes to join the Collingwood Run Club for Tuesday and Saturday group practices. This has been worked into our practice schedule. This fee is not included in registration fees outlined above.

Registration for the Spring Session is here:

2025 DRAFT Practice Schedule


U16/U18 High Performance

May 5 start, (tentative start date) 

AM 5:45-7:00 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

PM 5:00-6:30 pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 

Saturday mornings with group 6:30-8:00 am - RUN CLUB 9-11 

Tuesday’s with run club (5:30-7pm), Wednesdays weights OYO 

U14/U12 Development

May 12 start, (tentative start date)

PM 5:00-6:30 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Saturday mornings with group 6:30-8:00 am - RUN CLUB 9-11 

Tuesday’s with run club (5:30-7:00 pm) if enrolled 


U16/U18 High Performance and Development 

U14 High Performance will attend some early morning practices prior to their regular 9:30 session 

June 30 start

AM: 6:30-8:00 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

PM: 4:30-6:00 pm Monday, Tuesday (off water, weights and run OYO), Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 

Saturdays: TBA (will mainly be regattas and rest days) 

U14 (high performance and development)/U12/U10

June 30 start

AM: 9:30-12:00 daily 

Saturdays: TBA (will mainly be regattas and rest days) 

All sessions will be at the Watts Boathouse, the Club's historic boathouse on Heritage Drive in Collingwood's scenic harbour.